Saturday, June 18, 2011

Corner Store Contact lenses

Okay, ive never ran across any reviews about those cheap $16 dollar contact lenses that sit in a glass case behind the register. So here it goes.... I bought these at a cornor store in texas for $16. The brand is Bella, and they are an opaque unnatural jungle-green with a black ring around them. They're monthly, but i've read on the internet they last up to 120 days. I was a bit reluctant to purchase these because I perfer more natural looking lenses, which these deff are not.
I used a scale to rate these contacts, so just incase you run into these cheapies and wanna try em', you'll know what yourgetting yourself into :]

my COMFORT rating scale is the following:
(0/ unbearably dry, persistent watering of eyes, painful to wear) (1/ really uncomfortable feel something in eye) (2/ uncomfortable, you get used to it after awhile) (3/ slightly uncomfortable, a little itchiness & dryness) (4/ teeny bit uncomfortable at first, then eyes get used to lenses quickly!) (5/ dont even feel them! :))

My true to COLOR rating scale: I judge color on how well, how bright the contacts show up on blackish-brownish eyes:
(0/ clear contacts) (1/ a splash of color but still not bright, almost clear or black) (2/can barely notice I have contacts on unless your rightup in my face, these enhance dark eyes) (3/ very normal/natural looking, not too bright) (4/ almost opaque, blends in natural eye) (5/ these are just really opaque, and noticeable!)

My NATURALNESS rating scale:
(0/ incredibly fake! No ones born with 8-ball eyes!) (1/ slightly noticeable unnatural color and design) (3/ natural from 10 feet away) (3/ natural color, but artificial design or vice versa) (4/ really natural design and color, look natural from 1 foot away) (5/ extremely natural :])

My PRICE rating scale:
(0/ overpriced!) (2/ slightly overpriced) (3/ slight above average price :/) (4/ average price) (5/great deal!)

My ENLARGEMENT scale is as follows:
(0/ these contacts make eyes look tiny, fit too small) (1/no enlargment whatsoever) (2/ a little bit of enlargement, but not to obvious) (3/ natural enlargement) (4/ very noticeable enlargement!) (5/ huge enlargement....alien eyes)

Okay, now onwards to rate these Bella Brand Contact Lenses!!!
Comfort: 4
Color: 4 bright yet fake looking
Naturalness: 2 the jungle green almost opaque color and black ring with black threads or spikes looks very unnatural
Price: 5
Enlargement: 3 these are 14.4

Heres a few pics of me wearing Bella contacts GREEN plus, BLUE plus, and Hazel. As for the hazel, it looks like a twilight orangey-yellow color :]

1 comment:

  1. <333 Gorgeous. I really like the green. <33 And the hazel. (They're suuper reminiscent of the G&G GP Type lenses of the same colours.

    And yeah-- very few folks review the contacts in corner stores an such. :/
