Wednesday, January 4, 2012

i'm back!!!

I've been away for quite some time! I have been so busy with work and school. Now back to my reviews and blogging! I just want to wish everyone a late Happy Holidays and Happy New Years! I had a great New Years and since the last time I've blogged, I've made some changes in my life. I work out a lot more often and eat healthier and I switched to healthier food and beauty products.

I have a large haul of beauty and health products I will be reviewing  and I also have a large haul of circlelens which I'll be reviewing aswell. (And for you readers who don't know what circlelens are, circlelens are Asian contact-lenses that make the eyes look rounder and more defined.)
Also, I will be reveiwing a wonderful device called an "electric cigarette" that helped me quit smoking, yes, I used to smoke cigarettes on a daily basis for 5 years and just to let ya know, I've been smoke free for 6 months already.

Well, for now, thank you for reading and talk to you later!

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