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Thursday, February 9, 2012

EOS Dollyeye Grey -

I purchased these from Lensvillage.
They were around $19.

They are very bright theres no enlargement at 14.2.

When I ordered these, lensvillage accidently sent me an extra pair of these.  I emailed lensvillage and asked them if they wanted me to send them back and they said that I could keep them :)

I LOVE these and can wear them for up to 4 hours before they become uncomfortable.

I want the brown, green, purple and blue ones so baadd!!!!!! =)

Heres my rating for these:

Naturalness:  these are extremely opaque and not that natural at all...unless that person is 20 ft away and depending on ur haircolor skin tone etc....

Comfort: You need to purchase eye drops if you want to wear these for up to 6 hours.

Enlargement: At 14.2, these are slightly enlarging.  The dark ring makes eyes look larger though.

Price @ lensvillage: they cost anywhere from $25 everywhere else except lensvillage :)  I bought them for $19 plus like $5 for shipping.

Thanks for reading everyone!

Heres some pics!